Cel-e-brate good times, Come on!

Join me in celebrating the new Coach2Growth web site and blog!  Heck, join me in celebrating my new coaching initiative, period!  And, if you’ve come this far, then I celebrate your investment of time to learn more.

And, there is much to celebrate.  On the top of my list is making the conscious choice to get off the hamster wheel of life.  While I learned and thrived working for someone else for a large part of my career and have achieved a great many accomplishments throughout my corporate life, making the decision to work for myself was one of the most empowering and satisfying decisions I’ve ever made.

Sure, getting off the hamster wheel was scary.  All those “what if?” gremlins (or rodents?), spoke to me daily tempting me to “Go back! Go back to your comfort zone and that dependable paycheck.”  Yet, I knew in my core that it was not comfort or the dependable paycheck that tempted me.  It was the adrenaline rush from sprinting around the wheel, being busy, and somehow believing I was going somewhere.  Where, I was not sure.

But, alas, sometime after the last lay-off (or rather, mass firing), and a fair amount of coaching myself, I came back to what was important to me and what I value, like the freedom to enjoy life off the wheel, if you will. When you’re on the hamster wheel, it’s very hard to look up for too long because you might smack your head or get caught in the spokes.  Taking the solopreneur path has afforded me the latitude to grow in ways I didn’t fathom were available to me, both professionally and personally.

My first solopreneur adventure [Routes2Market] hit its 11-year anniversary this year.  Over the last several years of that consulting practice, I began to recognize a trend of women becoming disenfranchised and disenchanted with the opportunities for growth within a corporate environment.  I’ve seen many of them leave, just like I did, to start their own initiatives.  This is what inspired me to invest in a professional coaching certification program and, ultimately, launch Coach2Growth aimed specifically at helping women grow their businesses.

Using the “Ready-Set-Grow” coaching process, I’ve integrated what I’ve learned throughout my business career with several coaching tools and methods to help women lead their businesses to the next level (while enjoying the journey!)

So, here’s to you, here’s to growth, and here’s to celebrating your conscious choice to get off the hamster wheel and stand in your power.

What else are you celebrating today?

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