“Finish stronger than you start,” was a common parental refrain in my household growing up. I didn’t appreciate it then, and I’m sure my parents didn’t appreciate my eye-rolling either. Now, however, I see how it reinforced the values of accountability, persistence, and tenacity.
If you find yourself more of a “starter,” and your energy and enthusiasm wane as the newness of a project drags on, consider the following quick tips for finishing strong:
- Get clear on the specific steps necessary to get this initiative over the finish line.
- Estimate how long each remaining step will take to complete.
- Determine who, if anyone, can help complete the task. Ask for help and/or delegate.
- If it’s you, you, and only you, block off the estimated time on your calendar.
- Then, the most challenging for many leaders: honor that time and minimize distractions (close your door, turn off device notifications, etc.). It’s OK to let others know you are duly occupied and prefer not to be interrupted.
- Complete the task as planned.
- Rinse & repeat for the next project or task.
Sometimes when we slow down to check the status of a project, we realize that the finish line is well within reach – perhaps just two or three more steps remain — and we’re relieved. Other times, of course, it’s more than we anticipated, and it feels overwhelming.
Either way, this approach brings clarity and keeps you grounded. It gives you a concrete way to see the finish line, snap you out of ennui, and break through the ribbon with fanfare (crowd cheering here!).
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