Business Dashboard Smarts

Strategic/ "Greater Good" Mentality

Business Dashboard Smarts

You wouldn’t drive a car without a dashboard, right?  Well, technically, you could get somewhere.  But, without a dashboard, you might: Exceed the speed limit Run out of gas Get lost (if your dash includes a GPS)  And, while none are dire consequences, each take you off-course and prevent you from getting to your destination in an efficient manner. The same goes … [Read more...]

The Value of Values as Your Compass

What do you value?  Initially, you may have thought this an easy question to answer.  Usually, we respond with some of the top of mind choices, like family, relationships, and health.  All of which, of course, are important and critical.  I invite you, however, to drill a little deeper and think about the values behind the values, if you will.  For instance, what is it … [Read more...]